p t borden

List of recipes

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Good Food is essential to a good life. If you are one of these people who think that preparing or eating food is just a necessity, but otherwise a waste of time, bypass this section. Eating good food is more than sustenance. It is a social occassion where through which one learns to know other people, and more than anything, oneself!

I am not a homebody. Though, I like to cook and bake. I find it a very inspiring activity, because one can always find new ways of doing things. It is the variations that make the spice of a good dinner. It is also a way to have almost instant gratification. You create it and you are pleased about it. Almost always........ otherwise, you'll have to learn!

Below, you'll find some quick lunch and dinner suggestions. I have picked them up from friends and acquaintances around the world, or from places I travel to. They are simple to prepare and have been enjoyed by people from all over the place. I will constantly add to them. I try not to make them outlandish or complicated, using simple ingredients, which you can get any any grocery store of supermarket.



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